b i t e   m y   s h i n y   m e t a l - a s s !

†Groundskeeper Willie says: Isnae it a bonny nicht, th' nicht? 'n' stowed oot moon furr 15 days.

the guilds
Guilds should move again in 3 days, 02h 36m 05s
Name Location Age Reporter
Allurists Guild 1 SE of Nightingale and 94th 18 hours 23 minutes Liski
Allurists Guild 2 SE of Torment and 68th 18 hours 23 minutes Liski
Allurists Guild 3 SE of Buzzard and 47th 18 hours 23 minutes Liski
Empaths Guild 1 SE of Haddock and 48th 18 hours 20 minutes Liski
Empaths Guild 2 SE of Vexation and 29th 1 day 17 hours Lyris
Empaths Guild 3 SE of Gypsum and 26th 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Immolators Guild 1 SE of Nickel and 96th 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Immolators Guild 2 SE of Zelkova and 63rd 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Immolators Guild 3 SE of Horror and 43rd 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Thieves Guild 1 SE of Ruby and 25th 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Thieves Guild 2 SE of Kyanite and 78th 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Thieves Guild 3 SE of Obsidian and 63rd 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Travellers Guild 1 SE of Killjoy and 39th 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Travellers Guild 2 SE of Vervain and 41st 18 hours 22 minutes Liski
Travellers Guild 3 SE of Pyrites and 89th 18 hours 21 minutes Liski
Peacekkeepers Mission 1 SE of Emerald and 67th Stationary [Click to hide]
Peacekkeepers Mission 2 SE of Unicorn and 33rd Stationary [Click to hide]
Peacekkeepers Mission 3 SE of Emerald and 33rd Stationary [Click to hide]
the shops
Shops should move again in 0 days, 01h 16m 05s
Name Location Age Reporter
Checkers Porn Shop SE of Ivy and 34th 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
Discount Potions SE of Sycamore and Northern City Limits 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
Discount Scrolls SE of Steel and 33rd 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
Herman's Scrolls SE of Wulfenite and 85th 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
Interesting Times SE of Pessimism and 8th 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
Paper and Scrolls SE of Ferret and 83rd 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
Potionworks SE of Holly and 73rd 10 hours 18 minutes Liski
Reversi Porn SE of Obsidian and 35th 10 hours 17 minutes Liski
Scrollworks SE of Cobalt and 70th 10 hours 25 minutes Liski
Spinners Porn SE of Sycamore and 87th 10 hours 26 minutes Liski
White Light SE of Unctuous and 40th 10 hours 14 minutes Liski
Ye Olde Scrolles SE of Yew and 91st 10 hours 25 minutes Liski
hunters, paladins, werewolf & objects
Might be gone, until you arrive. (max age 6h)
Apologies, currently no hunter, paladin, werewolf or object spottings were reported.

Feel free to contribute...

(If you steal from this site, do it with style and credit the original reporters!)

New guild & shop reports overwrite the stored ones.
Scum (“buffys“) & loot will be added on top of its list.

I'd be blown away if you decided to support my work.
