b i t e   m y   s h i n y   m e t a l - a s s !

†Groundskeeper Willie says: A'm feelin' it in mah auld bones. Stowed oot moon is nigh.

the guilds
Guilds should move again in 2 days, 00h 25m 55s
Name Location Age Reporter
Allurists Guild 2 SE of Umbrella and 29th 1 day 19 hours VampireKat
Peacekkeepers Mission 1 SE of Emerald and 67th Stationary [Click to hide]
Peacekkeepers Mission 2 SE of Unicorn and 33rd Stationary [Click to hide]
Peacekkeepers Mission 3 SE of Emerald and 33rd Stationary [Click to hide]
the shops
Shops should move again in 0 days, 04h 05m 55s
Apologies, currently no moving shop spottings were reported.
hunters, paladins, werewolf & objects
Might be gone, until you arrive. (max age 6h)
Apologies, currently no hunter, paladin, werewolf or object spottings were reported.

Feel free to contribute...

(If you steal from this site, do it with style and credit the original reporters!)

New guild & shop reports overwrite the stored ones.
Scum (“buffys“) & loot will be added on top of its list.

I'd be blown away if you decided to support my work.
